Wednesday, 25 May 2011

May... storms are upon us!

New Energy Centre Steelwork
Well, we are well into May and work has been gathering pace but frankly from the outside not a lot appears to have been happening, dig deeper and you find that in areas difficult for staff and students to reach we can see things are moving on well!
At the front of school the Energy Centre is progressing well and the steel work is going up. An area has been cleared in what was the garden of rememberance and trees have sadly had to be cut down to accomodate this work. I am assured that a planned replacement planting procedure will happen later in the landscaping period of the build!

Our friendly builder once again keeps us up to speed with what is actually going on...

Theatre Roof
New Meets Old
New Windows
On the Refurb block the fitting of the balconies is complete. This has allowed the windows to be installed, complete with glass. The single ply to the main roof area is complete. The redundant roof light has been in filled and the roof covering taken over the enclosure. The plant support steels have been erected over the former stair area. The timber cladding works have commenced with brackets and insulation. The art/English block roof has had the single ply laid apart from the section adjacent to the faith centre. Finally the roof light frame work has arrived on site and fitting has commenced. The roof light areas have been temporarily weatherproofed in such a way installation of the roof light frame work can continue. The wall between the art room and the swimming pool has been continued, and the external walls erected. The ground floor windows have been installed The first floor the external brickwork has continued at high level, The windows have been installed and glazed.  On GLK windows have been glazed. The retaining walls to the ground floor adjacent to the IWA block has been completed allowing this area of floor slab to be completed including the flight of stairs adjacent to the headmasters study. On the IWA block the window to the ground floor science class room floors have been glazed. The windows on the first and second floors have been installed and glazed. Internal partitioning is 90% complete with boarding to one side. The sample room has progressed but needs final aesthetic alterations before final submission for approval. In both blocks the installation of ventilation ductwork is underway. Lecture Theatre cladding has had the inner liner tray fitted and work is concentrating in forming the curves at the front of the building. Ply wood is being bent to give the final curved shape. The sports pitches have been cultivated and stone picked and seeded. The energy centre main steel frame has been erected. This has allowed the base for the flue to be cast and reinforced concrete ducts for the pipes and cables to commence. On Tettenhall Special School the foundations are complete. Drainage pops are complete to the two brickwork single storey  areas. Preparation for pouring the floor slabs is underway. Main drainage has continued. The big push over the Easter holiday was the installation of ducts and sub mains cable from the energy centre around the front of the school to the rear of the hall. Also we have installed the sub mains cable from the energy centre to the main switch area in the ground floor of the science block. This included pulling pool heating pipes and sprinkler pipes plus water main into Tettenhall. This work cause major logistical issues during the period as it cut off access to 70 % of the building. Central Networks have installed the High Voltage substation plinth in the front service yard.  Transco have installed the gas supply and housing to Tettenhall . We have constructed the water meter pit to Tettenhall. We have been able to commence the construction of the new bell mouth to the service yard. Over the Easter period we installed the permanent partition wall to the main hall and three temporary partitions to the small hall and servery areas.Also we have formed two partitions on the first floor which when the doors are installed will provide a temporary fitness suite.